Christmas poll

This is going to be a short post! It’s just going to be some questions about your Christmas experience! Comment below and tell us your answers!

  1. What was your favorite gift? Least favorite?
  2. Did you get anything you were surprised about?
  3. Did you get anything you didn’t want?
  4. Did you get a lot of things from your Wish List?
  5. Did our tips help? Did you do any of the projects we posted this week?

Comment below to tell us your answers! Merry Christmas! Hope you had fun!

12 thoughts on “Christmas poll

  1. leileikohn says:

    1. My new Uggs & Too Faced Cat Eyes Pallete. Least favorite: a book called Geek Girl
    2. I was surprised I got a flexistretcher and a ballet horror book
    3. I got the book Geek Girl
    4. Yes!
    5.OMG YES THEY DID! I decorated my room with the DIYs from Lei’s post and I did the peppermint hot chocolate! from Tay’s! Also, the wish list posts really helped me and so did the “how to accept a gift you don’t like”! Thx for writing all the Christmas posts! This is an awesome blog! #fabulous #bestblogever

    Liked by 1 person

  2. crystalgal837 says:

    1. My Favorite Gift was an Apple Watch! My least favorite was… I don’t know!
    2. I got wireless Beats headphones that are the limited edition gold, and I didn’t even need them!
    3. I didn’t want books… But I still got them!
    4. Yes, I got a lot of things (almost everything actually, my list wasn’t that long)
    5. Your tips for “How to avoid getting bad presents” Helped so much, and I made the Peppermint Hot Chocolate and made my room cozy!!! Lei and Tay’s Holiday posts made me so excited for the holidays, and they put me in a holiday mood!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. crystalgal837 says:

    Love these girls! Lei and Tay seem like such sweet girls! I love their posts, and I love this blog! It definitely gets a follow from me! I would recommend this blog to anyone who loves to read fun posts every week, and they are written by such fun-loving authors! Overall, LOVE IT!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Big Game Dave says:

    Great idea!

    My favorite gift was TayBean’s donut maker. My least favorite thing was the fact that the Selfie Toaster was broken.

    I was surprised to learn that our French Bulldog puppy Bella Steph was born on Christmas! She’ll be ready in six weeks.

    I got a Chewbecca kaleidoscope–probably the only person to receive this.

    Overall I had a great Christmas and received everything I wanted.

    Your blog inspires me every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Tania says:

    1. My favorite were the beauty face masks, photographs, and cook book! My least favorite was a cookbook about cooking reindeer.
    2. I was surprised about getting a candy cane body scrub!
    3. The reindeer cook book.
    4. Yes I did!
    5. Unfortunately, I just got to know this amazing blog. I will do them next Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

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